Our Approach

Sodexo Global Pride Network, under the sponsorship of two executive members, drives our approach for supporting the inclusion and belonging of LGBTQ+ persons. The network is supported by workstreams who lead the way by fostering an inclusive environment in which Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer employees can "bring their whole selves" to work.

18+ LGBTQ+ & Ally Networks

Around the world, Sodexo has established 18+ LGBTQ+ & Ally employee networks and multiple regional taskforces whose mission is to champion an environment of acceptance and workplace equality for all LGBTQ+ and ally team members through employee engagement, community involvement, education and awareness.


Awareness Campaigns

Each year, Sodexo celebrates the International Day Against Homophobia , Transphobia and Biphobia  (IDAHOTB) on May 17th by hosting a webinar that’s open to all employees for discussing key topics and concerns and sharing stories of what it means to be an LGBTQ+ or Ally employee at Sodexo.



UN LGBTI Standards 

Sodexo adheres to the UN LGBTI Standards everywhere we operate and have signed the 'Declaration of Amsterdam'. By respecting human rights, eliminating discrimination, providing support, preventing other human rights violations and acting in the public sphere, Sodexo strives to create an environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging and feels valued by supporting an inclusive and safe culture internally as well as outside our walls. 


Corporate Equality Index

Sodexo scores 100% on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Annual Scorecard Assessing LGBTQ Workplace Equality

Read the press release

Workplace Pride Global Benchmark

Sodexo ranks amongst best for LGBTI inclusion in 2020 Workplace Pride Global Benchmark

Read the press release
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